Sitting on the sideline,
Watching the game go by,
It all came to me,
But I didn't understand.
Why, it had to be,
That we go so fast,
And try so hard,
That we don't burn and crash ...
That's all it's gotta be these days,
No, not slow, but
Nothing else will do,
And we all are going to loose ...
As I was sitting there,
Watching the world roam around me,
I noticed one thing,
No one else appreciated,
That I,
Could head that peacefulness,
Before a drop hits the water ...
That's all it's gotta be these days,
No, not slow, but
Nothing else will do,
And we all are going to loose ...
As I slowed down,
To lag behind,
I found the world,
That so few others have.
Now I'm there,
And I don't wanna catch up,
'Cuz I'm perfect here,
And I'm too,
Too slow too.
Our Song
I never answered the question why.
You never asked again.
I wish I had had the courage to tell you,
But you accept me for my inability to do so.
The first time I heard the song,
It was with you,
On our trip,
At "the fountains".
It was then,
I fell in love,
With the song,
And you.
The song you wanted,
Was great too,
But this one reminds me,
Of you, and our love.
You never asked again.
I wish I had had the courage to tell you,
But you accept me for my inability to do so.
The first time I heard the song,
It was with you,
On our trip,
At "the fountains".
It was then,
I fell in love,
With the song,
And you.
The song you wanted,
Was great too,
But this one reminds me,
Of you, and our love.
Sixth Sense
As I sit,
Scribbling these words,
Listening to the sounds,
Seeing my thoughts,
Feeling in love,
Smelling the air I exhale,
Tasting the tears on my cheeks,
I feel compelled to say,
What I have seen,
Where I heard it,
When I tasted it,
Why I smelled it,
But it's only there,
In front of me,
Sneaking looks when I'm not,
Taking a peak when I'm there,
Hiding in time, or close to it.
It's not there, it's here.
It's not here, or anywhere.
As I sit,
Nowhere in particular,
Just looking over,
My thoughts,
I see,
I hear,
I feel,
I smell,
I taste,
It is love.
Scribbling these words,
Listening to the sounds,
Seeing my thoughts,
Feeling in love,
Smelling the air I exhale,
Tasting the tears on my cheeks,
I feel compelled to say,
What I have seen,
Where I heard it,
When I tasted it,
Why I smelled it,
But it's only there,
In front of me,
Sneaking looks when I'm not,
Taking a peak when I'm there,
Hiding in time, or close to it.
It's not there, it's here.
It's not here, or anywhere.
As I sit,
Nowhere in particular,
Just looking over,
My thoughts,
I see,
I hear,
I feel,
I smell,
I taste,
It is love.
Why -- no, not the question I wish to ask.
Death is -- no, too bleak to speak of.
Time, yes, time has -- no, too overused.
Mickey Mouse has -- no, too comical.
Excuses are -- no, just what I'm avoiding.
Talking -- no -- yes, talking is the topic.
Communications would be a better word.
Actually, communication is such a broad topic ... it has certain aspects though,
But as a topic, it does not work.
How about attention spans?
No, too short of a topic.
Inventions -- or better yet: thought process.
Too complex for my brain.
I wonder who's out there,
Just looking at me,
Wondering why I'm here,
What am I supposed to do?
No one ever told me.
I wake up in the morning,
And I hit the alarm clock,
Then I look at the ceiling,
And I look out my window,
Just to wonder what's goin' on,
And I see that it's the same,
Everyday I live,
I wonder who's out there,
Just looking at me,
Wondering why I'm here,
What am I supposed to do?
No one ever told me.
All my friends don't agree,
With anything that I say.
So why should I tell them what I'm thinking,
When I just get nothing in return?
All I get from the world,
Is the same 'ol rejects,
Nothing more,
Everyday I live,
I wonder who's out there,
Just looking at me,
Wondering why I'm here,
What am I supposed to do?
No one ever told me.
Time will pass,
And I'll live my life,
But in the end was it worth it?
It's a question we must all ask.
Was it worth all the pain?
All the agony too?
Was it worth all the love and hatred,
And all the feeling and emotions?
Everyday I live,
I wonder who's out there,
Just looking at me,
Wondering why I'm here,
What am I supposed to do?
No one ever told me.
No one ever told me,
Birthday Celebration
Don't celebrate your birthday, if you're over 12.
Unless you're 18, or 21, or 35.
Unless you're not American where such numbers matter.
Do not make a big deal of your birthday after 12.
It's not that big a deal.
You made another year.
Stuck Again
I used to be able to write,
Because I wrote what was in my heart,
And my heart was filled with the love of ideas,
Of love, peace, bliss, purity, honesty,
That I had no restrictions in my life,
And that I was a good person.
But the words flow less now,
For my heart is empty of ideals and
Now is full of reality.
My compassion flows easier
And dies sooner
Without any action resulting.
I have felt I was ready for anything and everything,
But I realized I wasn't,
And I begin to wonder if I ever will be.
I need to journey again -- to have a goal,
To have survival be my main cause once again,
Away from desires and self-indulgence.
Path Closed
My doctor told me today that I will die soon,
And as I look back at my life,
I've discovered that I've taken the
Path so few others have taken.
I wish I hadn't take this path however,
For all this path has shown me is loneliness, confusion, and death.
I wish I could go back and put up a "Path Closed" sign,
But I know that others must suffer like I have.
Besides, there's probably already a "Path Closed" sign there,
And I'm going to die soon.
Why do I want to live in a world,
That is full of hatred?
That is slowly committing suicide?
Why do I want to live in a country,
That is full of stupidity?
That is full of troubles?
Why do I want to live in a state,
That is hurting itself?
That is full of problems?
Why do I want to act,
In a play full of fun?
In a play that takes my time?
Why do I want to love,
In a time that the world could do without?
During a time that values are messed up?
But if I ask all this,
I have to ask,
Why live life?
That is full of hatred?
That is slowly committing suicide?
Why do I want to live in a country,
That is full of stupidity?
That is full of troubles?
Why do I want to live in a state,
That is hurting itself?
That is full of problems?
Why do I want to act,
In a play full of fun?
In a play that takes my time?
Why do I want to love,
In a time that the world could do without?
During a time that values are messed up?
But if I ask all this,
I have to ask,
Why live life?
Great Music
Good music sounds nice.
Great music makes you think of something else,
Reminds you of your lost love,
Of your lost days.
To remember so vividly,
Sitting in that Jr. high auditorium,
The first time you heard music,
To walk you back in the garden,
Holding hands with the girl,
On a sunny spring day,
With the aroma of love.
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