
I am empty.
Except for the alcohol.
That I fill nightly.


Eat sleep drive work think complain desire want lust wish hope dream imagine age ignore pass worry contemplate am cease.

I Feel Like Crap

I feel like crap.
I don't want to drink, all the time.
I'm not addicted.

I want health.
But I succumb like everyone else.
I was going to be different, but I ended up the same.

I was supposed to be special.
Everyone said I was so.
But I'm more average than Lake Wobegon.

I fell in to the same trap.
I fell in to the hole of ignorance.
I fell in to the path of the flock.

Worse yet,
I don't care to climb,
And I feel like crap.
But, that isn't her.
She's better.

I Believe

I believe in love.
I believe in deceit.
I believe in myself.
I believe in trust.

Now, What's so special about my beliefs?
Nothing, Except I believe in them.
And they are nothing materialistic,
Or something you can touch, or feel.

They are part of the sixth sense,
The mind of emotions.