An Ending?

I'm lost in life.
Passed up by the times, by all the people who care less.
I don't know when, but something got into my mind.
It was there, as it had always been.
I never looked at it this way, as I was now.
I put it over myself, just thinking.
I noticed it wasn't working, so I closed it off.
Almost immediately, I started feeling it, that little bit less that I needed. Every breath caused my thoughts to wonder if it would be my last.
I got scared, and started feeling weak,
I pulled it off quickly, and teared it to shreds, so I could no do it again.
I don't know what had come into my mind.
I didn't plan it, it was more of an instinct.
Now that I look back, it was fun, but the thought of trying it again, makes my breath go shallow, and my heart slow a little,
But, that's a part of my life, now.

The 3 Kinds of People

There are only three kinds of people in this world,
Those who live life,
And get laughed at.
Those who find the meaning of life,
And get to laugh.
Then there are the people like me,
Who think about everything,
And know the meaning of life,
But still get laughed at.

To Fly

There it stood.
All day.
All night.
There it was.
All day.
All Night.
No one cared.
It only brought about momentary happiness.
Always there.
All day,
All night.
But no one used it,
For its purpose it was created for.
Used for everything else but,
So it just sat there,
All day,
And most of the night.